Saving the World One Box at the Time
Saving the World One Box at the Time
Saving the World One Box at the Time

At Wineberry we believe in a sustainable way of drinking wine.

Together we can work to save the world one box at a time and be an advocate for a greener future.

The Wineberry Box preserves your wine by protecting it from air and light. The 3 liter bag inside is equivalent to 4 bottles for you to enjoy anywhere, anytime.

Made with sustainable wood and a timeless design it is easy to carry and reuse. Our box will be your best companion for a dinner with your family, a party with your friends, or just at home on your own.

Think outside the box while drinking Wineberry from the box!


Make One

Buy One

Plant One


Although our Box is made from sustainable wood, deforestation remains one of the greater challenges we are facing.

For each Wineberry Box you purchase, we will plant a tree through one of the most remarkable associations: 


anywhere life
takes you

Show off what second life you are giving to your box